miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

Credit card fraud Kansas City

credit card fraud Kansas City

A shared values message is a way for those consumers to pick you out of the credit card fraud Kansas City morass of products and services. If the values you claim to share are real, not fake, this is a valid and sensibly approach to advertising. The insincerity of some marketers hurts the credibility of others.

In any case, a shared values advertiser is still not quite at the Higher Ground.

Advertisings natural inclination is to be a toxic event. This dimension concerns itself with being diligent and proactive about reducing emissions. Obviously, in its role as an agent of rampant consumption and greed. But even credit card fraud Kansas City worse, in its not-so-obvious role as the commercial force behind a media environment stuffed with images and messages of violence, gender objectification, perverse body image, irresponsibility and an endless array of other poisons.

How can you ensure that you are not contributing to a toxic media and advertising environment? free credit report online

Communicate why you reject certain media opportunities. Troubleshoot the words and pictures which make up your own advertising to make sure youre not unwittingly sending socially negative messages.

Set and communicate a written set of standards to internal and external staff who touch your advertising. For example: We will not use media or credit card fraud Kansas City create advertising that contains a preponderance of gratuitous violence, objectifies or exploits women, portrays unsafe sexual practices without consequences, portrays aggression and disrespect as humorous or attractive, displays irresponsible use of drugs or alcohol, or encourages unhealthy body image. best credit report We will be particularly careful with regard to advertising and media which are widely accessible to children. Educate yourself and your staff by providing media literacy opportunities. Fight the concentration of media credit card fraud Kansas City ownership by sponsoring or creating alternative media vehicles at every opportunity. This is the new frontier that has barely been explored. Its the idea that advertising, in and of itself, can be a socially positive event. It starts with the premise that advertising persuades. And, therefore, that it can be used to persuade society and the people therein, to do healthy, peaceful, sustainable, humane and decent things. It believes that advertising which promotes positive attitudes and behaviors creates a net-positive community dividend. Just as surely as locating a plant in the inner city, or credit card fraud Kansas City reducing packaging, or creating a family-friendly workplace or providing a living wage. free credit reports and score It moves advertising from something which credit card fraud Kansas City can help a common good enterprise achieve its mission, to something which is part of the mission.

The difficult part is defining and deciding what is really a meaningful message, and by whose standard. And, having done that, connecting that message to the brand, since the advertising must still deliver some sort of return on the advertisers investment.

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